Friday, February 26, 2010

Modern Robber

It can rightfully be said that a modern day bank robber is very similar to the bank robbers of old. In that they take what did not belong to them at the time of robbing the bank. The difference being that the banks have opened their doors and invited them and anyone else who wants to come and take all they want without repercussions.

For this reason today’s bank robbers don’t need to use masks, don’t need weapons, and don’t need get away vehicles. And they don’t need to worry about the police knocking on their doors.The amazing thing is that these bank robbers are able to rob banks in England, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand and most other countries, all at the same time without leaving the comfort of their homes. There are no territorial boundaries for bank robbers, you can rob any of the banks no matter where you live now or in the future.

The reason they can do this legally is because the central banks of all G8 countries have opened the bank vaults inviting bank robbers to come in.

Why? These banks need to be able to set the exchange value of their respective currency daily and the only way to do that is to determine the confidence of the people, business and trade companies, in their currency. Consumer confidence in a certain currency will determine the well being of the economy. Currency traders help the central banks to determine if they need more currency in circulation or less. Or if raising or lowering interest rates are needed.

Thus, the modern day bank robber, while robbing the banks, is also doing the central banks a great service.

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